суббота, 12 ноября 2011 г.

canada budget highlights 2005 in TRIBUNE canada budget highlights 2005 TRIBUNE

canada budget highlights 2005 in TRIBUNE

canada budget highlights 2005

canada budget highlights 2005 TRIBUNE

canada budget highlights 2005 in TRIBUNE.This is not a government that is budgeting responsibly and its actions make a mockery out of future spending projections, which should be increased by at least a factor or two.
Unfortunately the government has again refused to implement a legislated debt reduction schedule.
Ottawa should set yearly debt reduction targets as was done with the deficit and make those targets the law.
Last year, ottawa rebated the gst paid by city governments.
Since 1999, the ctf has advocated dedicating half of the federal fuel tax revenue with all canadian municipalities regardless of size.
We believe the money should be used for infrastructure projects, highway maintenance and roads.

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