четверг, 29 сентября 2011 г.

carpet mark shaw::The world record attempt will involve 1,200 pies of various flavors including cherry, chocolate and apple, which equates to 3,000 pounds of pie carpet mark shaw

carpet mark shaw

carpet mark shaw

carpet mark shaw

carpet mark shaw::The world record attempt will involve 1,200 pies of various flavors including cherry, chocolate and apple, which equates to 3,000 pounds of pie.
With regis and kelly on september 17, 2009.
The 60second pie fight will occur at 6 p.
On january 7, 2010, in a tent adjacent to the embassy suites.
After the pie fight is completed, shaw will clean the piecovered carpet and display the likenew results on january 8 in the lobby of the embassy suites.
carpet mark shaw::Designs for shaw carpet carpet mark shaw

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