понедельник, 3 октября 2011 г.

dog scooting butt on carpet::Has your dog ever done that dog scooting butt on carpet

dog scooting butt on carpet

dog scooting butt on carpet

dog scooting butt on carpet

dog scooting butt on carpet::Has your dog ever done that?
What is he doing one he does that?
Has your dog ever done that?
What is he doing one he does that?
Well, the answer might gross you out, but this article is going to answer that question for you anyway.
When a dog scoots his butt along the ground, he is marking his territory.
Dogs have two glands just inside their anus that store fluid that dogs use to mark their territories.
But unlike a skunk, your pet dog is a domestic animal who no longer needs those anal sacs as a defensive mechanism, so sometimes the fluid in those sacs get backed up and need to be emptied.
Other dogs are able to secrete the juice from their anal sacs on a regular basis just through walking or using the bathroom.
At this point, you might want to take the poor pained pooch to the veterinarian to clean out his anal sacs.
Some people wait to see if the problem will first resolve, but it could actually cause the secretions to continue to build up in the anal sac and possibly rupture.
If the anal sac ruptures, you will know it, because it will emit a putrid smell and your dog will need to undergo a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.
Dogs vary in their need to have their anal sacs cleaned out and how often.
Some breeds will need several anal gland cleanings done in relatively short succession if he continues to experience discomfort.
Some dogs never need to have this procedure done.
Written by brian spilner of petsuperstore: where you can find a huge selection of and.
dog scooting butt on carpet::It causes severe itching and burning dog
scooting butt on carpet

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