вторник, 4 октября 2011 г.

how to install glue down carpet::Offices or commercial areas with heavy foot traffic or modular furniture how to install glue down carpet

how to install glue down carpet

how to install glue down carpet

how to install glue down carpet

how to install glue down carpet::Offices or commercial areas with heavy foot traffic or modular furniture.
Perform a and ph alkalinity test on concrete subfloors.
Acceptable ranges for calcium chloride should not exceed 5 lbs per 24 hrs per 1000 sq ft.
The ph alkalinity should be above 9 on the ph scale.
Unroll your carpet and allow it to acclimatize for 24 hours or as directed by your manufacturer.
Only install padding if you are using the double glue down method.
Ensure your carpet and padding is approved for this type of installation.
Roll out the padding in the area.
Cut strips to cover the whole subfloor but do not overlap.
There should not be any gaps between strips of padding.
Roll back and temporarily secure each strip.
Unroll the padding into the adhesive.
Allow the adhesive to dry completely before installing the carpet.
When cutting, use a carpet or utility knife.
Cut along the face for loop pile carpeting or along the back for cut pile carpeting.
Unroll the carpet pile side down.
Use a pencil and chalk line to mark your measurements on the back of the carpet.
Fold the carpet at the chalk line and use a carpet knife to cut along that line.
Use a straight edge to help ensure your cut is straight.
If you will need more than one piece of carpet, measure and cut the next section until you have carpet for the entire area.
If you are working with a carpet pattern, allow for pattern match.
Layout the cut pieces of carpet in the room.
There should be extra carpet along all walls, perimeters and seams.
Avoid placing carpet seams directly above padding seams.
Ensure the pile runs in the same direction on each piece.
Or nail the carpet temporarily in place to avoid shifting.
Trim the carpet so it is flush with the installation area and lays flat at all corners.
When cutting outside corners, trim from top to bottom.
Make sure the pile is running in the same direction and that patterns match or repeat naturally.
Place a scrap piece of wood below the overlap area to protect the padding or subfloor.
Use a carpet knife to cut through both pieces of carpet.
Align the two pieces of carpet on the floor.
They should fit together perfectly and patterns should match or repeat naturally.
Discard any excess carpet.
If using the glue down method, you will be gluing the carpet directly to the subfloor.
Layout the carpet as it will be installed.
Make sure all seams are flush.
Starting on one side of the room, roll back and temporarily secure each section of carpet.
Ensure all carpet pieces are weighted or nailed down so that they do not shift when you roll them back.
Use a trowel to spread the adhesive onto the subfloor or padding.
If your area has seams, seal the seams as you get to them.
Refer to the next section for specific instructions.
Unroll each section of carpet and lay into the glue.
Ensure the carpet is firmly in contact with the adhesive.
Use a push broom to sweep the carpeting to push out any air bubbles.
Roll widthwise and lengthwise.
Repeat steps 2 through 6 for the other half of the room.
Quickly, place the edge of the carpeting into the adhesive and seam sealer.
Ensure the seam is tight but not overlapping.
Make sure both pieces of carpet are firmly in contact with the seam sealer adhesive.
Roll the entire seam as recommended by the adhesive manufacturer.
Once all carpet is installed, remove any weights or nails.
how to install glue down carpet::First let me give the advice that
installation of marine carpet should be installed by a professional
installer how to install glue down carpet

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